Personality Types: INFP [Healer, Idealist, Dreamer, Harmonizer, Seeker]

Personality Types: INFP [Healer, Idealist, Dreamer, Harmonizer, Seeker]

INDORAMAL.COM/EN - INFP's personality type belongs to Idealists according to David Keirsey, a famous American psychologist and author of several books on personality types. Otto Kroeger, another authority on 16 personality types, created a descriptive slogan for INFP, namely "Doing Noble Services to Help the Community". The reason why Keirsey and Kroeger feel this way about this type is that INFP, which forms about 4 percent of the general population, is very focused on their values and devotes their lives to pursuing these ideals. Are you the INFP loyal and loving? Take this scientific test to find out.

INFP has several descriptive names given by different authors and experts. They include:

  • Doctor (David Keirsey)
  • Harmonizer Clarifier (Linda Berens)
  • Human Value Seeker & Guard (Alan Brownsword)
  • Idealistic Inspiration (Otto Kroeger)
  • Sensitive Idealists (Jonathan Niednagel)

Other online names: Mediator, Dreamer, Questor.

All of these names are meant to express one thing: INFP has their ideal vision of the world and their view of how things work, and they quietly push for what they feel is right. It is not surprising that INFP is equivalent to pure phlegmatic temperament in the four temperament models.

Their four-letter type - INFP - stands for Introverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Perceiving, which means they

  • prefer to spend time alone or with some trusted friends,
  • think abstractly and like to work with concepts and ideas,
  • prioritize relationships,
  • tend to do things spontaneously, without a lot of planning.

INFP is a complex creature and does not like anything trivial. Be it career or marriage, they want things to be ideal, but the reality is not always what they want.

Best of all, INFPs passionately work on several high goals; at worst, they are complainers and complainers who live in their fantasy world and never take action.

INFP Personality Review

INFP has an unconventional line for them; unlike ISTJ, they are not interested in the following tradition. Instead, they prefer to explore things themselves and decide what is right without consulting anyone. They are also the type of people who explore alternative lifestyles: They can volunteer for humanitarian missions in distant countries or travel the world as backpackers, supporting themselves by doing odd jobs while they are away.

INFP wants to feel their life is meaningful - even their work must be something that is following their value system; ideally, it must be something with a purpose. If these two conditions are not met, INFP burns quickly and becomes depressed.

INFPs may seem far and closed at first, but once you get close to them, you will find that they can be very expressive. They like to talk about subjects such as spiritual growth, ethics, people, values ​​, and how things should be.

Some INFPs may appear cluttered and disorganized in general because they think that worrying about their appearance or their home organization is not important. They may forget promises and constantly lose things. It doesn't help that INFP tends to develop a sentimental attachment to objects, which results in messy houses. Some INFPs will "clean up" just by hiding their clutter in separate spaces or attics. Their house may look clean and organized but open their closet doors and it all falls out!

Others may think that INFP has a passive approach to life: They want to live their lives according to their own rules and be happy to let others live as they please. It is partly true that INFP generally prefers to adjust, without making waves, and to avoid conflicts as much as possible. However, when their values ​​are threatened, INFP might surprise others with their ability to fight.

INFP had difficulty completing their project because they always felt that things could be improved. Being their own worst critics, INFP strives to achieve perfection, but because they are never satisfied with themselves and their work, their projects sometimes remain unfinished.

INFP Learning Style

INFP students learn best in a flexible environment where they are allowed to freely explore subjects of interest and where creativity is valued and encouraged. Although they never felt their work was good enough and always wanted to delay sending it for evaluation, setting deadlines was a good way to force them to complete their project. Young INFPs do not follow many rules, but they also do not rebel openly. Because of their creative tendencies, they usually do not follow instructions correctly and may appear to be inattentive.

INFP Decision Making Style

When forced to make decisions, INFP will naturally avoid logical reasons and evaluate their choices based on their values. Therefore, they will deliberately gather additional information, then use their creative thinking skills to produce more likely scenarios. Thinking out of the ordinary and the big picture is a distinctive feature of the INFP decision making process.

INFP in Love and Dating

As mentioned above, INFP has high standards for almost everything and their love life is no exception. They will usually wait for their ideal partner for a long time, and even then they might have second thoughts about the compatibility of their partners. It's almost like they have a mental list of physical and psychological traits they want to see in their partners; as soon as the couple appeared, they watched them closely and recorded anything that did not fit their checklist.

After INFP is serious about you, expect a romantic date with all the little details that are planned and carefully prepared. They will give you a gift, but their gifts tend to have a special touch or special meaning. For example, instead of giving you something expensive and/or luxurious, they are more likely to give you something that they made with their own hands or, maybe, something is given to them by their family.

INFP does not realize that not all types have an appreciation for such things. While some types will be fascinated by such movements, many others will not be happy at the prospect of, say, wearing an old ring that belongs to INFP's grandmother. But then again, maybe that type of person is not right to start INFP.

INFPs tend to hold back their feelings for themselves and need to remember that their partners need reminders of their love for their relationship to develop. Likewise, their partners need to remember that it is important for INFP to hear "I love you" to feel loved.

When problems arise, INFP feels that it is acute but remains, avoiding talking about it. INFP tends to hide their feelings and pretend to be okay just to overreact to something small and not important later.

One of the biggest INFP problems is that they often withhold their true opinions and often send messages to others that they agree with them while in reality they strongly disagree. Although they do this to maintain good relations with everyone, it is often a source of distress and, sometimes, becomes counterproductive by destroying the relationships that they strive to maintain.

How to get INFP like you

  • Be authentic: There are things that INFP dislikes more than insincerity and pretense.
  • Don't stress them with too much time demands - INFP is introverted and requires a lot of time alone.
  • Don't criticize them - they are too sensitive to criticism and will continue to reflect on this issue for days.
  • Don't play hard to get - INFP might give up on you if you do.
  • Don't play games in general - with INFP it's best to be yourself.
  • Don't force them on time or do something on time. Deadlines and rigid rules stress them and may strain your relationship.
  • You might also want to read this post about the compatibility of ENFJ and INFP personalities.
  • And also this one about the similarities and differences between INFP and ISFP.

INFP at Work

INFP wants a quiet work environment and work that is following their values. Also, they want to work alone or with people who share the same principles.

When it comes to working on their goals, the only driving force that is acceptable to them is sincere intention. For example, INFP does not like people who are very competitive or those who seem to pay more attention to their salary than the job itself.

INFP Leadership Style

People with INFP personality types are not naturally born as leaders and assume reluctant leadership positions. There is nothing aggressive about INFP and so is their leadership style - subtle and gentle, as if they were afraid to offend their subordinates.

Ideally, INFP would like to be more a facilitator than a real director. By remembering their values, they want their team to be intrinsically motivated and work independently. Because INFP is not confrontational and usually cannot criticize others, they prefer to motivate others with appreciation and praise. Also, they tend to ignore some problems in the hope that they will eventually be resolved without their intervention.

Job Listings for INFP

  • Actor
  • Animation Maker
  • Archaeologist
  • Architect
  • Archivist
  • Audiologist
  • Career Counselor
  • Chiropractor
  • College Instructor
  • Community Service Manager
  • Curator
  • Editor
  • Educational Consultant
  • Primary school teachers
  • Employee Development
  • Entertainer
  • Fashion designer
  • Movie Editor
  • Good Artist
  • Fundraising
  • Genetic Counselor
  • Geographer
  • Graphic designer
  • Historian
  • HR Development Workers
  • Human Resources Specialist
  • Translator
  • Reporters
  • Laboratory Technician
  • Librarian
  • Massage Therapist
  • Mental Health Counselor
  • Midwife
  • Minister
  • Multimedia Artist
  • Musician
  • Novelist
  • Nutritionist
  • Occupational therapist
  • Painter
  • Photographer
  • Physical Therapist
  • Poet
  • Pre-school teacher
  • Professor
  • Psychiatrist
  • psychologist
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • research assistant
  • Researcher
  • School Counselor
  • Social scientists
  • Social worker
  • Sociologist
  • Special education teacher
  • Specialist
  • Speech Pathologist
  • Translator
  • Veterinarian
  • Veterinary Technician
  • Author
  • Zoologist

Random Facts About INFP

  • INFP is very good at reading people.
  • INFP can be very shy.
  • INFP is likely to remain in a bad relationship.
  • INFP tends to blame yourself for the wrong things.
  • Although INFP tends to blame themselves, they are very concerned about the dignity of others.
  • INFP often moves from one interest or interest to another.
  • People with INFP personality types don't care about forcing others to be like them - they know how to respect others for who they are.
  • Many INFPs struggles with insecurity.
  • Some INFPs don't know how to express their feelings.
  • INFP usually has a high sense of humor.
  • Many INFPs are great writers.
  • INFP can be curious and shy at the same time.
  • INFP likes to do things when they feel like doing it, not according to plan or schedule.

Famous INFP People

  • Audrey Hepburn
  • Diana's daughter
  • JK Rowling
  • JRR Tolkien
  • John Lennon
  • Isabel Briggs Myers

INFP character

  • Little Chicken
  • Jane Eyre
  • Romeo and Juliet from "Romeo and Juliet"
  • Ashley Wilkes from "Gone With the Wind"

Keywords: mbti infp, infp personality, infp nature

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