Personality Type: ESFP [Entertainer, Promoter, Realist, Performer]

Personality Type: ESFP [Entertainer, Promoter, Realist, Performer]

INDORAMAL.COM/EN - Fun and enjoyable ESFPs contribute about 10 percent of the general population (David Keirsey, Please Understand Me II). The ESFP personality type is more common among women: This is the third most common personality type among women and the seventh most common type among men. By the way, Truity is serious about personality types and offers a scientific validation test that helps you know your personality type. You can find your type by taking this test.

ESFP is about living in the moment and enjoying life to the fullest. More than any other type, ESFP is most related to here and now. Another interesting characteristic of the ESFP is that they insist on focusing on positive things and sometimes may even reject negative information, even when it's clear (Otto Kroeger, Type Talk).

In short, ESFP Personality

To describe ESFP in just a few words, we must mention this:

  • joie de vivre (the pleasure of life),
  • love people,
  • love materialistic comfort,
  • the constant need for stimulation, special experience.

The main weakness of the ESFP is procrastination and lack of focus.

The meaning of ESFP

What is ESFP? ESFP is one of 16 personalities and stands for it

  • Extrovert (E). Being extroverted means that you energize around other people and in general, you focus on the world around you rather than your thoughts and feelings.
  • Sensing (S). Being censored means that you prefer facts and direct experience to abstract ideas and concepts.

Like other extrovert sensors, ESFP focuses here and now. Because they are only confident in what they can see and feel today, many ESFPs develop questionable approaches in life: "Play now, pay later" (Otto Kroeger, Type Talk). Many people who belong to this personality type feel they must make use of what life has to offer "because you only live once."

  • Feelings (P). Having a feeling style means you prioritize relationships and make decisions with others in mind. ESFP men and women are very accepting of others and strive to make every interpersonal exchange positive. Because of a strong need for positivity and optimism, they will actively deny and suppress something less positive.
  • Perceiving (P). Having an understanding style means that you are a spontaneous person and like to keep your choices open.

Loving ESFP

ESFP's main social interest lies in elevating the enthusiasm of others and entertaining them; basically, they want to captivate everyone around them. Naturally attracted to people, ESFP is warm and friendly without a hidden agenda. Being able to understand and meet the emotional needs of others is one of the greatest gifts of ESFP.

ESFP and Money

ESFP is a bit wasteful. Because they are very people-oriented, they want to impress others with clothes, cars, homes, exotic vacation photos posted on social media. Although they truly enjoy material comfort, being admired by others is even more important for ESFP. However, there is a difference between the desire to be admired and the desire to be approved by others. While the ESFP wants to be admired, it does not always need or want the approval of others.

Another possible conflicting point is that the ESFP is not a hard worker, and although they enjoy spending and showing off, working and earning may seem troublesome.

Misunderstood ESFP

Because of the constant need for ESFP to act, others might label them as hyperactive and rash. Their light approach to life is often misinterpreted as lacking depth, direction, and purpose. Generally, it is not uncommon for men and women with ESFP personality types to struggle because people don't take it seriously.

Because some ESFP characteristics are generally seen as more female than men (for example, avoiding conflict, serving others, being sensitive), ESFP men may feel that their virility is constantly being questioned.

Another name for ESFP

When compared with the four classic personality types, ESFP is equivalent to the temperament of pure Sanguine. Other prominent authors who write about 16 personality types give ESFP the following personality types of descriptive names:

  • Supreme Realist (Alan W. Brownsword, author of "It Takes All Types")
  • Acting Promoter (Linda Berens, author of "The 16 Personality Types")
  • Promoter (David Keirsey, author of "Please Understand Me" and "Please Understand Me II")
  • Ultimate Realist (Otto Kroeger, author of "Type Talk", "Type Talk at Work" and "16 Ways to Love Your Lover")
  • Energetic Promoter (Jonathan P. Niednagel, author of "Brain Typing" and "Your Best Sport: How to Choose and Play It")
  • Enthusiastic Improviser (official MBTI test site).

Online games for the ESFP include "Entertainers", "Players" and "Ambassadors".

ESFP relationship

In terms of love, dating, and relationships, one thing to remember is that ESFP is looking for a playmate. Because of their poor ability to tolerate boredom and their constant need for stimulation, ESFP is all about fun and adventure, and they want their partners to share with them. Dating is another form of entertainment for ESFP, an opportunity to do more new things with someone they love.

ESFP moves in and out of relationships quickly and easily. A typical ESFP has a lot of dating experience, which means two things:

  • He can easily adjust to any dating situation.
  • You better make sure that dating you is fun, or your ESFP will turn to someone else.

Overall, dating ESFP is a very valuable experience. They may not be the most committed partners in the world, but they may be the most entertaining. Get ready for exciting holidays, exotic restaurants, cultural events, films, shows, whatever.

ESFP is a very generous person and tends to give gifts to their partners. Especially at the beginning of a relationship, they tend to overwhelm you with signs of affection and gifts, which according to some other personality types are excessive and uncomfortable.

Another characteristic of ESFP is that they have no desire to control others. Of course, this has a price, ESFP also needs to feel free. Trying to control ESFP is a surefire way to end the relationship.

ESFP is an excellent listener and will often ask questions about yourself but it can be difficult to express yourself. At first, they tend to answer deeply personal questions with jokes. If the relationship continues, they might feel comfortable enough to talk about a more sensitive subject.

Common questions about ESFP compatibility with other personality types

What about INFJ's ESFP compatibility?

Like most other personality combinations, ESFP and INFJ have their excitement and frustration. Both have many similarities but they also have some important differences. Interestingly, it is often this difference that causes initial interest. Then, these differences can enrich their lives by helping INFJ and ESFP grow, or they can separate them if they do not choose to be open and accept each other.

What about ESFP an INTJ?

Serious and focused INTJs can provide ESFP with much-needed stability, teaching them to slow down and focus their energy on valuable goals. ESFP, for their part, can draw INTJs from their inner world and teach them to enjoy the real world around them.

On the negative side, ESFP gregarious may feel lonely and bored with their personal and reserved INTJ partners. INTJs, in turn, may feel overwhelmed and overwhelmed by the number of social connections they have to make because of their ESFP partners.

Planning is another potential area of ​​dispute: the ESFP likes to keep options open while INTJ believes in long-term planning. The ESFP does not like to be pressured to make decisions while INTJ hates unresolved problems.

Ideal Job Settings for ESFP Personality Types

ESFP wants to be surrounded by people who resemble themselves - energetic and action-oriented. The overall atmosphere and work environment are very meaningful for the ESFP; it must be busy, positive, and stimulating. ESFP cannot stand the predictable work of being boring, where they must follow existing procedures and have little room for improvisation.

Typical ESFP is an entrepreneur or working in a prestigious company. Being an entrepreneur allows ESFP to feel free when working in a prestigious company allowing him to impress others and generally be around people, which is also very important.

Careers for ESFP

The ideal job for ESFP is work that combines variation and allows it to be around people. The ESFP functions well as part of a team and tends to incorporate aspects of pleasure into whatever they do. The following is a list of 53 ESFP jobs, which are jobs that tend to match the quality of ESFP personality types.

  • Animal trainer
  • Artist
  • Athlete
  • Buyer
  • Cashier
  • Chef
  • Company Coach
  • Beauty expert
  • Customer
  • Dental hygiene
  • Designer
  • Dietitian
  • Dog Obedience Coach
  • Primary school teachers
  • event coordinator
  • Factory Superintendent
  • Farmers
  • Fashion designer
  • Film producer
  • Firefighters
  • Fitness Coach
  • Stewardess
  • Florist
  • Fundraising
  • Gardener
  • Host
  • Interior designer
  • Jeweler
  • Landscape Architects
  • Massage Therapist
  • Merchandise Planner
  • Musician
  • Nurse
  • Occupational therapist
  • Pediatrician
  • Performer
  • Photographer
  • Physical Therapist
  • Assistant Physician
  • Police
  • Promoter
  • Public Relations Manager
  • Real Estate Agent
  • Receptionist
  • Recreation Officer
  • Retail manager
  • Salesgirl
  • Secretary
  • Social worker
  • Special education teacher
  • Travel agent
  • Veterinarian
  • Waiter

ESFP is famous

Following famous people and celebrities tends to be part of the ESFP personality type:

  • Marilyn Monroe
  • Elizabeth Taylor
  • Elvis Presley
  • Gracie Allen
  • Pablo Picasso
  • Bill Clinton
  • ESFP Character
  • Fictional ESFP characters include:

Peggy Bundy from "Married with Children"

  • Donkey from "Shrek"
  • Cody Lambert from "Step by Step"

Keywords: mbti esfp, esfp personality, esfp nature

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