Lance Arabic Zodiac Sign

Lance Arabic Zodiac Sign

INDORAMAL.COM/EN - The Lance is fortunate to have the ideal living conditions that can guarantee him a happy life.

Elegant, courteous, and intelligent, the Lance has a natural and benevolent presence. He always has clear ideas about his aspirations, just as his command of the language is both rich and free. The company of the Lance is sought after because of his multiple talents and his extended culture makes him a fine and pleasant companion.

If the Lance often looks carefree, his feet are firmly anchored on the ground. Insightful, fast, analytical, and delicate, the Lance is without any doubt a person predestined to success. He also has difficulty accepting the reality of his social status, as he sometimes tends to forget that his origin allowed him to be in his position much more than his merits.

His creative mind allows him to bounce from one project to the next. If he suffers consecutive failures, the Lance can bounce soundly after analyzing his mistakes. In parallel, his gift for discernment allows him to be very careful and not to get fooled by unscrupulous people, or in any case to drift apart from them before the damage is irremediable.

If the Lance always remains perfectly sharpened, it is because he can sometimes decide to leave the agreed paths of morality to achieve his goals. Indeed, at once skillful and artist, he is gifted to implement the most Machiavellian strategies. Also, he rarely leaves his flank exposed to attacks and is suspicious of the plague of people who ask too many questions.

In his daily life, the Lance is very comfortable in his social relations and enjoys laughter and happy and playful parties. At the bottom of his heart, although he appreciates honesty and direct people, Lance is only concerned with those he believes are as intelligent as he is and who might be able to teach him new things.

On a sentimental level, even if he doesn't like to reveal it, the Lance is very romantic. He is very sensitive to demonstrations of love, small gifts, and tender gestures. He is faithful to his partner. He is also the kind of person who likes to indirectly dominate and control his partner, for he is discreetly dominating.


University professor, magistrate, judge, lawyer, auctioneer, reporter, architect, doctor, senior executive, engineer, a researcher in science, mathematician, airline pilot, designer, translator-interpreter, Egyptologist, archaeologist


Arabic Sign Compatibility
Knife 💜💜
Dagger 💜💜💜💜
Cutlass 💜💜
Arabian Dagger 💜💜
Iron Mass 💜
Peasant Club 💜💜💜
Axe 💜💜💜
Chain 💜💜💜
Sword 💜💜💜
Lance 💜💜💜
Slingshot 💜💜💜
Bow 💜💜💜


The zodiac sign of Capricorn is in correspondence with the Arabic astrological sign of the Lance. However, being Capricorn doesn't mean that one is automatically the Arabic sign of the Lance. Indeed, your weapon in the Arabic horoscope depends on your solar sign but also your place of birth and the occupation of your parents. Use our free calculator to calculate your true Arabic sign according to traditional Arabic astrology and discover its meaning, character, and horoscope, whether you are a man or a woman.


Date of Birth: the sun crosses the zodiac constellation of Capricorn between December 22 until January 20
Symbol: Mountain Goat
Element: Earth
Planet: Saturn
Jewel: Jade

Keywords: lance zodiac sign, lance arabian zodiac, lance astrology

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