Dr. Charles Vine personality test

Knowing the nature and personality of a person from Dr. Charles Vine

This test was first published in Cleo magazine and written by "Dr. Charles Vine," with the title, "Do you see yourself as others see you?", then over time, for some reason, this test is known as Dr. Phil's Personality Test. Curious as to what the test ??? Let's try it right away, the test is short there are only 10 questions.

1.When do you feel so good ...

2.You usually walk ...

3. When talking to people, you ...

4. When relaxed, you sit with ...

5. When something really tickles you, you react by ...

6. When you go to parties or gatherings, you ...

7. When you work or are concentrating, then you are disturbed, then you ...

8. Which of these colors do you like the most ...

9. When you sleep at night, just before going to sleep, you ...

10. You often dream that you ...

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