Personality Type: ESFJ [Provider, Caregiver, Seller, Host, Facilitator]

Personality Type: ESFJ [Provider, Caregiver, Seller, Host, Facilitator]

INDORAMAL.COM/EN - One of ESFJ's greatest needs is the need for harmony. Most of their pleasure and satisfaction comes from solving other people's problems and making them comfortable. ESFJ wants to be liked not only for themselves but also for what they can do for others. With special attention to detail, ESFJ can anticipate the needs of others and handle them with warmth and energy. The ESFJ personality type accounts for around 9-13 percent of the general population. Are you one of them? Take this scientifically validated test to find out.

ESFJ Personality Review

The sociable and sociable ESFJ places a lot of importance on tradition and family. They never forget the anniversary, always attend special events and, in general, enjoy the celebration.

Their lives often follow traditional patterns - quite predictable - but ESFJ likes it. Men and women who belong to this personality type are not the only ones who do what society expects them to do, but the difference is that they enjoy it. Be parents, marriage, or career, they take their role seriously and remain committed. An ESFJ woman will quit her job or work part-time to stay at home with children; an ESFJ man will work hard to meet the needs of his family. Both of them tend to be very involved in the community and like to invite people to dinner or socialize.

What makes ESFJ special is that they are in tune with the needs of others, even more than their own. Once they find a need, they are happy to give their time and energy to do what needs to be done to satisfy it. This is the reason why David Keirsey, an American psychologist and professor emeritus at California State University who also wrote several books on 16 personalities, called ESFJ "The Provider". He also classifies Providers as "Trustees" together with ESTJ, ISTJ, and ISFJ. To define the ESFJ personality type in just a few words, it is important to mention their most desirable self-image. Keirsey notes that the ESFJ wants to be seen

  • reliable,
  • benefit recipients,
  • honorable.

Needless to say, ESFJ is preferred because of its helpful nature, loyalty, and genuine interest in others. Whatever their age, ESFJ makes friends easily wherever they go. On the negative side, they may not always be able to distinguish between friendship and business relationships and may end up hurt when this difference is shown to them.

ESFJ can start conversations with strangers about any topic that comes to mind. However, these caregivers tend to think concretely and do not enjoy abstract topics, such as love, success, freedom, principles, good and bad. When forced to discuss this issue, they tend to say whatever is considered politically correct or repeat what the authorities have said about this subject.

The opinions of others are very important to ESFJ - they are not the type to take criticism lightly, and sticking to the traditional way of doing things is a good way to avoid it. that's the problem.

Although ESFJ is generally friendly, kind, and sensitive, that does not mean they like everyone. Every time they meet someone new, they make quick decisions about that person, which they don't challenge later. They only see kindness in whoever they choose to admire, and if they don't like someone, it's usually final.

ESFJ loves their home. Seen as a place of rest and entertainment, their home is neat, orderly, and well-groomed. In terms of household chores, ESFJ is far from lazy. ESFJ housewives cannot relax unless everything has been fixed and done. Besides, he will give assignments to other family members and will become angry if they do not meet his expectations.

Many activities take place at ESFJ's home - dinner, celebration, or a simple "coffee" visit. However, ESFJ does not like spontaneity and wants everything scheduled and planned. It's a good idea to call before visiting because just stopping by can cause discomfort.

ESFJ relationship

In terms of personal relationships, ESFJ is a loving and expressive partner who strives to maintain harmony in the relationship. ESFJ men and women do not hide their emotions and, especially in matters of love, they express their feelings in many tangible ways - expecting flowers, gifts, romantic notes, you name it. It is important to remember, however, that ESFJ expects their partners to retaliate and may end up disappointed if they do not.

Love-struck ESFJ does it quickly and easily and remains committed even when things get tough. In general, they are highly motivated to resolve conflicts and make many efforts to keep the relationship alive. ESFJ falls in love with the idea of ​​marriage and sometimes maybe more loyal to the institution of marriage than that person. If despite all efforts, the relationship fails, ESFJ might see it as a personal failure (Sandra Hirsh, LIFETypes).

What ESFJ wants from this relationship is this:

  • loyalty,
  • joint commitment,
  • emotional connection,
  • harmony,
  • be listened to,
  • traditional values shared,
  • friendship.

ESFJ Compatibility with Other Personality Types


ENFP and ESFJ men and women are attracted to each other gregarious and outgoing. Together they make a very active and social partner with a busy schedule with lots of events to attend and lots of things to do. Things get better when they find that they both have a desire for strong connections as well as some important relationship values.

On the negative side, they may experience problems due to ENFP incompatibility, which is not valued by traditional ESFJ. Besides, ESFJ may have problems with ENFP spending habits and approaches to domestic work.


Even though INFP and ESFJ don't have much in common, they both value relationships and work hard to make their partners happy. INFP is very pleased with the activeness and warmth of ESFJ while ESFJ is interested in a calm and loyal INFP.

Because these two personality types are very different, misunderstanding and disagreement are not only possible but might occur. In the beginning, both had very different energy levels - INFP was more closed and personal than ESFJ; he is not as expressive as an ESFJ partner and may need to spend time thinking about something before discussing it with anyone, which might frustrate ESFJ. ESFJ may see INFP partners as slow and lazy while INFP may be constantly criticized and controlled.


Both ESFJ and INTJ are Judges, which means they both want a certain level of structure and order in their lives. ESFJ is interested in INTJ intelligence and the ability to understand complex concepts while INTJ values ​​the warmth and social skills of ESFJ.

Because both of them only share one type of preference (A to Judge), they have many differences:

  • ESFJ tends to have too much social commitment, leaving them little energy for their partners while INTJ is busy with their projects and has little desire to participate in social and family activities with their partners.
  • ESFJ does not like emotional business unfinished - once problems arise, they want to talk about everything and clarify everything. INTJ, however, needs time to think things through carefully first.
  • ESFJ is conservative and traditional while INTJ is not interested in adjusting to social conventions.

Therefore, the relationship can work if both of them can find a way to embrace each other's differences instead of trying to change each other (Source: "Just Your Type" by Paul D. Tieger and Barbara Barron-Tieger).

What is ESFJ?

ESFJ is one of 16 personality types developed by Myers Briggs based on Jung's personality theory. ESFJ stands for four types of preferences:

  • Extrovert (E). Being extroverted means that people belonging to this personality type prefer to focus on the world around them rather than internally. They give energy by spending time with others in an active environment.
  • Sensing (S). People who are classified as Sensors focus on facts and details rather than abstract concepts.
  • Feelings (P). Feeling type preferences are common in those who prioritize relationships and emotions.
  • Judging (J). Having an assessment type preference means that the ESFJ likes the structure and prefers to make plans rather than act spontaneously.

ESFJ Cognitive Function

According to Carl Jung, extroversion and introversion cannot be demonstrated separately and must be paired with one of four functions - thinking sensation, intuition, and feeling. Each of the 16 personalities has a unique set of cognitive functions, which represent each person's standard behavior patterns. In the case of ESFJ, the pattern is as follows:

  • Extroverted feelings (Dominant)
  • Introverted Sensing (Auxiliary)
  • Extrovert Intuition (Tertiary)
  • Introverted Thinking (Low)

The dominant function, which exists in our case, Extroverted Feeling, is ENFJ's natural mode of operation. Introverted sensing helps support and expand dominant functions. Tertiary functions (Extroverted Intuition) are underdeveloped and usually mature over time as a result of personal growth and development. The inferior function, Introverted Thinking, is a major weakness of the ESFJ but can strengthen as it grows and gains wisdom and experience.

Weaknesses of ESFJ

  • Need approval from others;
  • Because they tended to form judgments quickly without challenging and investigating them properly,
  • ESFJ may be biased towards certain people;
  • Maybe overly emotional;
  • May have difficulty thinking outside the box;
  • Can be very critical of those who do not follow the rules.

Another name for ESFJ

When compared with the four classic personality types, ESFJ is equivalent to a mixed Sanguine-Melancholic temperament. The name "ESFJ" was given by Isabel Briggs Myers and Katharine Cook Briggs who first developed 16 personality descriptions based on Jung's psychological type. Then other prominent personality researchers who expanded the subject introduced their descriptive names for each of the 16 types. The following are alternative names for ESFJ:

  • Facilitator Board (Linda Berens),
  • Harmonizer (Alan W. Brownsword),
  • The seller (David Keirsey, in his previous job),
  • The provider (David Keirsey, in his later work "Please Understand Me II),
  • The host of the World or Host of the World (Otto Kroeger),
  • Friendly Facilitator (Jonathan P. Niednagel),
  • Supporting Contributors (official MBTI website).

Common online names include "Consul", "Supporter" and "Caregiver".

ESFJ career

ESFJ wants a friendly work environment that is sensitive to human needs. Ideally, they want to be able to assist others directly and personally. Jobs such as teachers, family doctors, receptionists, and other similar jobs appeal to this personality type because they enable them to use their natural type preferences (extroversion, sensing, feeling, judgment) while making a positive impact on others.

Job Listings

  • Administrator
    Advertising Sales Agency
    Bank employees
    Caregivers of children
    Community Welfare Workers
    Company Coach
    Beauty expert
    Customer Service Rep
    event coordinator
    Physiology Exercise
    Family doctor
    Health Care Administrator
    Hotel manager
    HR manager
    Medical Secretary
    Office manager
    Private banker
    Physical Therapist
    Public Relations Manager
    Real Estate Agent
    Retail Owner
    Sales representative
    School Administrator
    Social worker

Famous people

Following famous people and celebrities may be included in the personality type ESFJ:

  • Bill Clinton
  • Taylor Swift
  • Andrew Carnegie
  • Harry Truman
  • Sarah Palin
  • Larry King
  • Penelope Cruz
  • Mariah Carey
  • Celine Dion
  • Prince William

Fictional character

  • Rabbit from "Winnie the Pooh"
  • Effie Trinket from "The Hunger Games"
  • Monica from "Friends"
  • Donald Duck

Keywords: mbti esfj, esfj personality, nature of esfj

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